Welcome. This site was created to support the Queens Library Learning 2.0 Program, a discovery learning program designed to encourage staff to explore new technologies and reward them for doing 23 1/2 Things.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

#11 Thing This: LibraryThing

Are you book lover or cataloger at heart? Or do you enjoy finding lost and forgotten gems on the shelf to read? Then LibraryThing may be just the tool for you. Developed for booklovers, this online tool not only allows you to easily create an online catalog of your own it also connects you to other people who have similar libraries and reading tastes.

Add a book to your catalog by just entering the title -- It’s so easy that you don’t even need MARC record training to do it – or connect with other users through your similar reading tastes. There are lots of ways to use LibraryThing. You can even view your books on a virtual shelf, add a widget to display titles that are in your catalog or install a LT Search box on your blog.

So why not join the ranks and create your own library online.

Discovery Resources:

* About LibraryThing
* Library Thing tour
* LibraryThing blog (updates & news)

Discovery Exercise:

1. Take a look around LibraryThing and create an account.
2. Add a least 5 books to your library.
3. Blog about your findings and be sure to link to your LibraryThing catalog.

*Photo - Andreas Gursky, Library, 1999.


User said...

Too much homework for $25 =P

ql.things said...

Does no one believe learning is its own reward?!

I kid, I kid.

There are four extra weeks built in. Please feel free to go at your own place.